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American Civil War Causes
Friday, 1 June 2007
Civil War Causes : What Caused the Civil War : Causes of the Civil War

Civil War Causes : What Caused the Civil War?

Causes of the Civil War

Perhaps the most common question asked about the Civil War is what caused the conflict? The subject is commonly referred to as Causes of the Civil War or What Caused the Civil War?

There were a series of significant events which greatly affected States' Rights, Secession, the Union, African Americans, and accelerated the American Civil War. These historical events are commonly referred to as the "Causes of the American Civil War" and are listed without significant order:
States' Rights* (Bill of Rights and the 10th Amendment), High Tariffs, Nullification Crisis, Sectionalism, Missouri Compromise, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Manifest Destiny, Compromise of 1850 (which included the controversial Fugitive Slave Act), Dred Scott Case, Bleeding Kansas, Crittenden CompromiseJohn Brown, and President Abraham Lincoln's election (Lincoln didn't receive a single Southern electoral vote). However, the principal or main cause of the Civil War was Secession itself.

See also:

Causes of the American Civil War 
Secession and What Caused the Civil War 
Abraham Lincoln on Causes of the Civil War
Slavery, Secession of Southern States, and Civil War
President Abraham Lincoln: A Southerner's View
President Abraham Lincoln: A Northerner's View
African Americans and the American Civil War

Posted by thomaslegioncherokee at 8:25 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 2 June 2013 11:25 PM EDT

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