General Robert E. Lee
Confederate Military History
Confederate Military History, Volume I
RE Lee and WHF Lee |

Robert E. Lee and son William Henry Fitzhugh Lee in 1845 |
(About) Untouched photo of Robert E. Lee, age 38, and his son
William Henry Fitzhugh Lee, age 8, in 1845. This photo was also taken one year prior to Lee fighting in the Mexican-American
War (1846-48). William, commonly referred to as "Rooney Lee," was the second son born of Robert (1807-1870) and Mary
Ann Custis (1808-1873). WHF (1837-1891) would later serve as a cavalry general during the Civil War (1861-65) before
serving in congress (1887-1891).
Robert Edward Lee, General-in-Chief of the Confederate States Army, is placed by
general fame as well as by the cordial suffrage of the South, first among all Southern military chieftains. By official rank,
he held that position in the Confederate States Army, and his right to the primacy there is none to dispute. (See General Robert E. Lee: Compiled Military Service Record.) Considered as a true type of the American developed through the processes by which well-sustained free government
proves and produces a high order of manly character, he fully and justly gained the distinguished esteem with which
all America claims him as her own. Beyond the borders of this continent, which men
of his caste long ago consecrated to freedom at altars that smoked with sacrifice, and extending over oceans east and west
into the old world's realms, his name has gone to be honored, his character to be admired, and his military history to be
studied alongside the work of the great masters of war. Happy, indeed, are the Southern people in knowing him to be their
own, while they surrender his fame to become a part of their country's glory.
General Lee's lineage and collateral kindred constitute an array of
illustrious characters, but certainly without dispraise of any, and without unduly exalting himself, it can be calmly written
down that he was the greatest of all his race. Unaware he was of his own distinction. Unaware also of a common sentiment was
each of his people who cherished an individual feeling in the years which followed his public service until the consensus
came into open view, where all men saw that all true men honored his name and revered his memory.
Contrast of Lee with other men will not be instituted, because there
were indeed others great like himself, and he more than others would deplore a contest for premiership in fame. The most that
can be said in any mingling of his name with other illustrious characters has been uttered in the wonderfully felicitous and
graphic sentences of Benjamin H. Hill, which may be repeated here, because of their brilliant and true characterization:
"When the future historian shall come to survey the character of Lee
he will find it rising like a huge mountain above the undulating plane of humanity, and he must lift his eyes high toward
heaven to catch its summit. He possessed every virtue of other great commanders without their vices. He was a foe without
hate; a friend without treachery; a soldier without cruelty; a victor without oppression; and a victim without murmuring.
He was a public officer without vices; a private citizen without wrong; a neighbor without reproach; a Christian without hypocrisy
and a man without guile. He was a Caesar without his ambition; Frederick without his tyranny;
Napoleon without his selfishness; and Washington without
his reward. He was obedient to authority as a servant, and royal in authority as a true king. He was gentle as a woman in
life; modest and pure as a virgin in thought; watchful as a Roman vestal in duty; submissive to law as Socrates; and grand
in battle as Achilles."
It will be understood by all who read any biographical sketch of one
so eminent as the Southern military leader thus portrayed in Mr. Hill's splendid words, that the facts of his life must sustain
the eulogy. Fortunately this support appears even in the cold recital which is here attempted. General Lee was born at Stratford, Virginia, January 19, 1807,
and was eleven years old on the death of his chivalric father, General Henry Lee, the "Light Horse Harry" of the American
Revolution. In boyhood, he was taught in the schools of Alexandria, chiefly by Mr. William
B. Leary, an Irishman, and prepared for West Point by Mr. Benjamin Hallowell. He entered
the National military academy in 1825, and was graduated in 1829, without a demerit and with second honors. During these youthful
years, he was remarkable in personal appearance, possessing a handsome face and superb figure, and a manner that charmed by
cordiality and won respect by dignity. He was thoroughly moral, free from the vices, and while "full of life and fun, animated,
bright and charming," as a contemporary describes him, he was more inclined to serious than to gay society.
He married Mary Custis, daughter of Washington Parke Custis, and grand-daughter
of Martha Washington, at Arlington, Va.,
June 30, 1831. Their children were G. W. Custis, Mary, W. H. Fitzhugh, Annie, Agnes, Robert and Mildred.
At his graduation he was appointed second-lieutenant of engineers and
by assignment engaged in engineering at Old Point and on the coasts. In 1834, he was assistant to the chief engineer at Washington; in 1835 on the commission to mark the boundary line between Ohio
and Michigan; in 1836 promoted first lieutenant, and in
1838, captain of engineers. In 1837, he was ordered to the Mississippi river, in association with Lieutenant Meigs (afterward
general) to make special surveys and plans for improvements of navigation; in 1840 a military engineer; in 1842 stationed
at Fort Hamilton, New York; and in 1844 one of the board of visitors at West Point. Captain Lee was with General Wool in the
beginning of the Mexican war, and at the special request of General Scott was assigned to the personal staff of that commander.
When Scott landed 12,000 men south of Vera Cruz, Captain Lee established the batteries which were so effective in compelling
the surrender of the city. The advance which followed met with serious resistance from Santa Anna at Cerro
Gordo. Here, Captain Lee made the reconnaissances and in three days' time placed batteries in positions which
Santa Anna had judged inaccessible, enabling Scott to carry the heights and rout the enemy. In his report, Scott wrote: "I
am compelled to make special mention of Captain R. E. Lee," and the brevet as major was accorded the skillful artilleryman.
The valley of Mexico
was the scene of the next military operations, and here Lee continued to serve with signal ability and personal bravery. One
act of daring, [which] General Scott afterward referred to as" the greatest feat of physical and moral courage performed by
any individual in my knowledge pending the campaign." Having participated in the daylight assault which carried the entrenchments
of Contreras, Captain Lee was soon afterward engaged in the battles of Churubusco and Molino del Rey, gaining promotion to
brevet lieutenant-colonel. In the storming at Chapultepec, one of the most brilliant affairs of the war, he was severely wounded,
and won from General Scott, in his official report, appreciative mention as being "as distinguished for execution as for science
and daring." After Chapultepec, he was recommended for the rank of colonel. The City of Mexico
was next taken and the war ended.
Among the officers with Lee in Mexico were Grant, Meade, McClellan, Hancock, Sedgwick, Hooker, Burnside, Thomas,
McDowell, A. S. Johnston, Beauregard, T. J.[Stonewall] Jackson, Longstreet, Loring, Hunt, Magruder, and Wilcox, all of whom
seemed to have felt for him a strong attachment. Reverdy Johnson said he had heard General Scott more than once say that his
"success in Mexico was largely due to
the skill, valor and undaunted energy of Robert E. Lee." Jefferson Davis, in a public address at the Lee memorial meeting
November 3, 1870, said: "He came from Mexico
crowned with honors, covered with brevets, and recognized, young as he was, as one of the ablest of his country's soldiers."
General Scott said with emphasis: "Lee is the greatest military genius in America."
Every general officer with whom he personally served in Mexico
made special mention of him in official reports. General Persifer Smith wrote: "I wish to record particularly my admiration
of the conduct of Captain Lee, of the engineers--the soundness of his judgment and his personal daring being equally conspicuous."
General Shields referred to him as one" in whose skill and judgment I had the utmost confidence." General Twiggs declared
[that] "his gallantry and good conduct deserve the highest praise," and Colonel Riley bore "testimony to the intrepid coolness
and gallantry exhibited by Captain Lee when conducting the advance of my brigade under the heavy flank fire of the enemy."
In the subsequent years of peace, Lee was assigned first to important
duties in the corps of military engineers with headquarters at Baltimore, from 1849 to 1852, and then served as superintendent
of the military academy at West Point until 1855, when he was promoted brevet lieutenant-colonel and assigned to the Second
cavalry, commanded by Colonel Albert Sidney Johnston This remarkably fine regiment included among its officers besides Johnston
and Lee, Hardee, Thomas, VanDorn, Fitz Lee, Kirby Smith, and Stoneman, later distinguished in the Confederate war. With this
regiment Lee shared the hardships of frontier duty, defending the western frontier of Texas
against hostile Indians from 1856 until the spring of 1861. In October 1859, he was at Washington
in obedience to command, and fortunately so, as during his visit occurred the John Brown raid. President Buchanan selected
him to suppress the movement, which he did with prompt vigor, after giving the proper summons to Brown to surrender. Returning
to Texas, he was in command of the department in 1860 and
early in 1861, while the Southern States were passing ordinances of secession, and with sincere pain observed the progress
of dissolution. Writing January 23, 1861, he said that the South had been aggrieved by the acts of the North, and that he
felt the aggression and was willing to take every proper step for redress. But he anticipated no greater calamity than a dissolution
of the Union and would sacrifice everything but honor for its preservation. He termed secession
a revolution, but said that a Union that can only be maintained by swords and bayonets had
no charms for him. "If the Union is dissolved and the government disrupted, I shall return
to my native State and share the miseries of my people; and save in defense will draw my sword on none."
About a month later, Lee was summoned to Washington
to report to General Scott and reached the capital on the 1st of March, only a few days before the inauguration of Lincoln. He was then just fifty-four years of age, and dating from his
cadetship at West Point had been in the military service of the government about thirty-six
years. He had reached the exact prime of maturity; in form, features, and general bearing the type of magnificent manhood;
educated to thoroughness; cultivated by extensive reading, wide experience, and contact with the great men of the period;
with a dauntless bravery tested and improved by military perils in many battles; his skill in war recognized as of the highest
order by comrades and commanders; and withal a patriot in whom there was no guile and a man without reproach. Bearing this
record and character, Lee appeared at the capital of the country he loved, hoping that wisdom in its counsels would avert
coercion and that this policy would lead to reunion. Above all others he was the choice of General Scott for the command of
the United States army; and the aged hero
seems to have earnestly urged the supreme command upon him. Francis P. Blair also invited him to a conference and said, "I
come to you on the part of President Lincoln to ask whether any inducement that he can offer will prevail on you to take command
of the Union army." To this alluring offer Lee at once replied courteously but candidly that though "opposed to secession
and deprecating war he would take no part in the invasion of the Southern States." His resignation followed at once, and repairing
to Virginia, he placed his stainless sword at the service
of his imperiled State and accepted the command of her military forces. The commission was presented to him in the presence
of the Virginia convention on April 23, 1861, by Mr. Janney,
the president of that body, with ceremonies of great impressiveness, and General Lee entered at once upon duties which absorbed
his thought and engaged his heart. The position thus assigned confined him at first to a narrowed area, but he diligently
organized the military strength of Virginia and surveyed
the field over which he foresaw the battles for the Confederacy would be fought. As late as April 25, he wrote, "No earthly
act would give me so much pleasure as to restore peace to my country, but I fear it is now out of the power of man, and in
God alone must be our trust. I think our policy should be purely on the defensive, to resist aggression and allow time to
allay the passions and permit reason to resume her sway."
The Confederate government in May 1861 employed his splendid talent
for organization, an advantageous employment, indeed, but one that kept him from that command in the field for which he was
eminently qualified. Subsequently, the expeditions in the West Virginia
campaign were attended with such peculiar disadvantages that General Lee had the mortification of observing a sudden and unjust
waning of his reputation. Thus his service in the field for which he was best fitted was still further postponed, and he spent
the winter of 1861 in command of the department of Georgia, South Carolina and Florida, to which
he was assigned by President Davis, giving his talents as an engineer to organization of a system of coast defense. From these
duties, he was called in March 1862 to become the military adviser of the President, a position in which he gave constant
attention to the movements of the enemy as well as to the Confederate means of defense, and was in readiness to assume any
duty that might be assigned.
The severe wounding of General J. E. Johnston, at the battle of Seven
Pines, and the illness of General G. W. Smith, next in rank, brought to him the command of the Army of Northern Virginia,
which he immediately led to successive victories over the great armies of McClellan, Pope, Burnside and Hooker, attaining
for himself, in a few months, a fame for generalship which spread over the world.
His subsequent career throughout the Confederate struggle was distinguished
by his regard for the humane usages of war; his exhibition of great military skill; a spirited personal courage, as well as
that nerve of leadership that impelled him to give battle whenever he saw an opportunity to strike an effective blow; a courteous
bearing toward his officers and a tender concern for the welfare of the men in line; an untiring attention to details and
an unexcelled devotion to duty. All these characteristics and much more were made apparent as the war wore on to its disastrous
The details which establish his reputation as a military genius are
to be found in all the books which have been written on the Confederate war. Referring to them for special information we
pass on to see him at Appomattox, nobly yielding himself and his army when resistance was no longer possible, and then departing
for his home, to refuse offers of place that would bring profit and high civil position, and finally turning his glorious
life into channels of beneficent influence.
With clear insight into all the merits of the cause for which he drew
his sword in 1861, he wrote on January 5, 1866: "All that the South has ever desired was that the Union
as established by our fathers should be preserved, and that the government as originally organized should be administered
in purity and truth." Six months later he wrote: "I had no other guide, nor had I any other object than the defense of those
principles of American liberty upon which the constitutions of the several States were originally founded, and unless they
are strictly observed I fear there will be an end of Republican government in this country."
He lived only a few years after the fall of the Confederacy, and those
years were nearly all spent in service as president of the Washington-Lee
College. The anxieties of his military life had changed his hair to gray,
but he was still in vigorous health. His nearest friends alone saw that his sympathy for the misfortunes of his people became
a malady which physicians could not remove. With sincere purpose to observe his parole, and, after all military operations
had ceased, to lend his influence fully to peace, he carefully avoided all things which would irritate the people in power.
Rigidly preserving his convictions, as he felt he must do, he nevertheless promoted the restoration of harmony among the people
of the whole country. Thus his life passed until he was suddenly seized with sickness on the 28th of September 1870, at his
home in Lexington, and on Wednesday morning, October 12th,
he died in the Christian's faith, which he had all his life confessed. Demonstrations of sorrow as sincere as they were imposing
manifested the great love of his own people in the South, but these exhibitions also extended into the North, and, from the
European press, America learned how highly
the eminent Confederate was esteemed abroad. "The grave of this noble hero is bedewed with the most tender and sacred tears
ever shed upon a human tomb. A whole nation has risen up in the spontaneity of its grief to render the tribute of its love."
His name will lure his countrymen to revere truth and pay devotion to duty, and until the nation ceases to be free the glory
of his character will be cherished as priceless national treasure.
Recommended Reading: Robert E. Lee: A Biography,
by Emory M. Thomas. Review From Publishers Weekly: Thomas, a distinguished historian
of the Civil War (The Confederacy as a Revolutionary Experience), has written a major analytical biography of Robert E. Lee.
Synthesizing printed and manuscript sources, he does not present Lee as the icon of Douglas Southall Freeman nor the flawed
figure presented by Thomas Connolly. Continued below.
Lee emerges instead as a man of paradoxes, whose frustrations and tribulations were the basis for his heroism.
Lee's work was his play, according to the author, and throughout his life he made the best of his lot. Believing that evil
springs from selfishness, he found release in service to his family, his country and, not least, to the men he led. One of
history's great captains and most beloved generals, he refused to take himself too seriously. This comic vision of life ultimately
shaped an individual who was both more and less than his legend. Highly recommended.
Recommended Reading: General Lee: A Biography of Robert E. Lee,
by Fitzhugh Lee (Author), Gary W. Gallagher (Introduction).
Description: A soldier, politician, and author,
General Fitzhugh Lee (1835–1905) had attended West Point and proved to be a boisterous
challenge to the superintendent of the Academy, who was also his uncle: Robert E. Lee. (Gen.
Lee commended Fitzhugh as ”an excellent cavalry officer. . . . I feel at liberty to call upon him—on all occasions.”)
The book covers Robert E. Lee’s early service in the Mexican War through his masterful command during the Seven Days
Battle, Second Manassas, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and the High Water Mark of the war--the
Battle of Gettysburg. Continued
Fitzhugh vividly
describes Lee's surrender and latter years. He also allows the reader an insight into the mind of the South’s
greatest hero and permits them to relive the immense achievements that "Marse Lee" accomplished. This book even covers Lee's
family history, lineage and genealogy, which compliment the life of the beloved general.
Recommended Reading: Lee,
by Douglas Southall Freeman. Description: Douglas Southall
Freeman's multi-volume "R. E. Lee" may have been published nearly three-quarters of a century ago, but this abridged version
remains the best single biography ever written about the legendary Confederate general. Although there have been numerous
books written about Lee, none have come as close to capturing Lee's military genius, or why so many Southerners enthusiastically
fought and died under his banner, as does Freeman's work. When it was first published "Lee" was a sensation, and in the 1930's
only Margaret Mitchell's wildly fictionalized "Gone With the Wind" surpassed it in sales and publicity. Senator Harry Truman
read every volume, as did other famous political and military leaders. Freeman's work did much to spread the "Lee Legend"
outside the South and made Lee into a national, and not merely regional, icon. In Freeman's elegant prose, Robert Edward Lee
is nearly perfect in every respect - he is a modest, deeply religious man who dislikes slavery and secession but reluctantly
agrees to side with his native state of Virginia when the
Civil War begins. Continued below...
If the rest
of Freeman's story sounds familiar it is because this book made it so. Lee, despite facing constant shortages of men and supplies,
meets the overwhelming forces of the Northern States and defeats them in battle after battle. Yet after each defeat the Northerners
simply recruit new soldiers, resupply their vast armies, and come after Lee's valiant but shrinking forces again and again.
In the end not even Lee's tactical genius can save the outnumbered and outgunned Confederates from eventual (and in Freeman's
opinion, inevitable) defeat. Naturally, some historians have not agreed with this view of the Old South's greatest icon, and
later books on the "Gray Fox" have disputed Freeman's assertions that Lee was opposed to slavery and secession, or that his
military decisions were always correct. There have been numerous books written about Robert E Lee, but none have done so well
at portraying his life or in explaining why, even today, Lee’s legend thrives and his tactics are studied at military
academies throughout the world. A genuine "must-read" for any Civil War buff or student of military history.
Recommended Reading: Lee: The Last Years. Review: After his surrender at Appomattox,
Robert E. Lee lived only another five years - the forgotten chapter of an extraordinary life. These were his finest hours,
when he did more than any other American to heal the wounds between North and South. Flood draws on new research to create
an intensely human and a "wonderful, tragic, and powerful... story for which we have been waiting over a century." Continued
Lee's last five years were not years of unabated bliss. His health declined
steadily, his wife was an invalid, his brother died, and his reputation suffered from some unjust attacks in Northern newspapers.
Lee, however, held his head high and maintained his dignity, his character, and his principles -- and strived to unite a shattered
nation. A SOLID 5 STARS.
Recommended Reading: General
Lee's Army: From Victory to Collapse (624 pages). Editorial Review: You cannot say that University of North Carolina
professor Glatthaar (Partners in Command) did not do his homework in this massive examination of the Civil War–era lives
of the men in Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. Glatthaar spent nearly 20 years examining and ordering primary source
material to ferret out why Lee's men fought, how they lived during the war, how they came close to winning, and why they lost. Continued below.
Glatthaar marshals
convincing evidence to challenge the often-expressed notion that the war in the South was a rich man's war and a poor man's
fight and that support for slavery was concentrated among the Southern upper class.
Lee's army included the rich, poor and middle-class, according to the author, who contends that there was broad support for
the war in all economic strata of Confederate society. He also challenges the myth that because Union forces outnumbered
and materially outmatched the Confederates, the rebel cause was lost, and articulates Lee and his army's acumen and achievements
in the face of this overwhelming opposition. This well-written work provides much food for thought for all Civil War buffs.
Recommended Reading: The Maxims
Of Robert E. Lee For Young Gentlemen: Advice, Admonitions, and Anecdotes on Christian Duty and Wisdom from the Life of General
Lee. Description: All his life, Robert E. Lee relied upon his faith for strength and guidance not only
in troubled times, but also as the foundation upon which he based all of his dealings with others. In this age where self-interest
often rules, these short statements, often jotted by General Lee at odd moments, provide young readers with some of the qualities
that Lee practiced himself: humility, erudition, faith, duty, wisdom, and respect for all God's creations. Continued below…
Each section is preceded by a
brief anecdote from his life, and each of the quotes is described with the time and circumstance. Reviews: "Richard G. Williams, Jr. offers a sublime figure as counterpoint to the hedonistic 'heroes' of the instant
gratification set..." -- Blue & Gray Magazine, Summer 2005. "The sayings and writings attributed to Lee or quoted by him
are...useful and valuable...The book is nicely done." -- The Civil War Courier, October 2005
About the
Author: Rick Williams, active in historic and preservation societies, is a seventh-generation Virginian who maintains
a busy writing and speaking schedule. He promotes the values and traditions of the Christian gentleman in books and literature
of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and early twentieth century. This interest propelled his writing of the Maxims of Robert E.
Lee for Young Gentlemen. Mr. Williams has served three four-year terms as a magistrate for the Commonwealth of Virginia and was a gubernatorial appointee of former Virginia
governor, George Allen. He is a member of the Rockbridge County Historical Society, the Augusta County Historical Society,
the Virginia Historical Society, the Highland County Historical Society, the Civil War Preservation Trust, the Museum of the
Confederacy and currently serves as chaplain for the Stonewall Brigade Camp of the Lexington,
Virginia, Sons of Confederate Veterans. Mr. Williams has served in various Christian
ministries, including formerly working as a field representative for the Christian Law Association and serving as a Sunday
school teacher for the past 25 years. He writes a regular column, "Business Lessons from History," for Business Reform Magazine
and is a regular contributor to The Washington Times' Civil War Column. His articles have also appeared in Homeschooling Today
Magazine and other Christian publications. He has lectured at Liberty University’s annual Civil War Seminar and at Lee Chapel in Lexington, Virginia. He is a member of the Bonnie Blue Literary
Society, an organization that encourages historical research and publishing of Confederate history. He assisted constitutional
attorney and law professor, John Eidsmoe, in producing the award-winning video series, Institute on the Constitution.